World Animals Day Messages Quotes

Happy World Animal Day Quote Pic
They cannot speak for themselves…. They cannot fight for themselves….. Therefore, it is our duty to speak for them and fight for their rights…. Happy World Animal Day to all.
Treat animals as your friends and this world will be a beautiful place to live together…. Happy World Animals Day.
Let us accept and embrace animals because they are the part of our existence and must be loved and respected…. Best wishes on World Animals Day.
The worst sin is not to hate an animal but it is to be indifferent towards an animal….Let us respect them all.
We can judge a man by the way he treats the animals….. Wishing a very Happy World Animals Day.

Happy World Animal Day Quote Photo
God created animals and then God created humans to take care of them…. Let us make World Animal Day more meaningful by taking care of these sweet, helpless animals who are dependent on us for their betterment.
Let us widen our circle of friends by including some animals into it….. Have a Happy World Animals Day.
World Animals Day is a reminder that the onus of keeping animals safe and happy lies on us… Best wishes on World Animals Day.
We are the ones who took their habitats away and therefore, we are responsible for their safety, food and happiness….. Happy World Animals Day.
The only thing that you can give animals is your love and they will love your unconditionally in return…. Warm wishes on World Animals Day.

Happy World Animals Day Wish Picture
Treat animals as your friends and this world will be a beautiful place to live together…. Happy World Animals Day.
Save animals because they are also our family!!!
Join hands to protect animals because they complete our world.
When one animal gets extinct, it is a loss of every other specie on the planet…. Save animals!!!
Don’t treat animals as threats but treat them as friends for a happier world.

Happy World Animal Day Message Photo
Animals are as important as plants and humans to Mother Earth and our life depends on them because we are all a part of the same cycle…. Let us protect this cycle by protecting them…. Happy World Animals Day.
If they cannot speak, doesn’t mean they don’t feel the pain…. Understand them and love them!!!
Our lives are incomplete without animals…. They are the reason for so many smiles.
The best way to love animals is by caring about them, by fighting for their rights!!!
An animal doesn’t want anything else from you other than your love and it will do everything in return for you.

World Animals Day Message Picture
Life is equally dear to a mute creature as it is to us….. They also want a life full of happiness and no pain…. On this World Animal Day, let us promise to become more responsible towards animals
We cannot imagine our lives without these amazing animals that surround us and the animals that we have not even seen. Happy World Animal Day.
Animals need our love and our attention and that is what they are expecting out of us all the times. Warm wishes on World Animal Day.
Let us come together and celebrate the occasion of World Animal Day by promising to keep the animals protected and safe.
We have made the lives of the animals so much more difficult and therefore, we must work in synergy to make their lives better. Happy World Animal Day