No Smoking Day Messages
No Smoking Day is a national campaign that encourages the nation’s smokers to make a quit attempt on the second Wednesday of March each year to help smokers who want to quit smoking and also to raise awareness about the health effects of smoking in daily life.

World No Smoking Day Messages
Smoking is not the solution to your problems and stress in life. Say no to smoking and embrace your life. Happy No Smoking Day.
By quitting smoking, you quit all the bad things in your life and add beautiful things to life.

Wonderful Message Pic On World No Smoking Day
Let us celebrate No Smoking Day by promising ourselves to never let the smoke become the part of our lives…. Wishing you good health!!!
As the cigarette gets reduced to ashes while emitting smoke, you reduce your lifespan to turn to ask very soon. Stop smoking

World No Smoking Day Status Photo
Stop smoking because you love your family….. Stop smoking because you want to live longer and healthy…. Stop smoking for a better life!!!
As the cigarette reduces while burning itself, you are reducing four days every year while burning a cigarette. Stop smoking

No Smoking Day Messages
Life is too beautiful to be wasted in smoke….. Value it and quit smoking to have a happy and healthy life….. Best wishes on No Smoking Day.
No Smoking Day inspires us to stay away from smoking, to stay healthy and to keep our families healthy….. Say no to smoking…. Happy No Smoking Day.

Do Not Smoke Gif Image
The best way to live life is healthy and it does not come in that form when you smoke…. Stop smoking!!!
Smoking takes you closer to bad times and quitting smoking brings you closer to good times…. Wishing you good times and wishing you Happy No Smoking Day.

No Smoking Day Gif Image
When you smoke, you are not only killing yourself but you are also killing the ones around you.
The occasion of No Smoking Day is a reminder to each one of us of the threats smoking poses to our health and well being. Warm wishes on No Smoking Day.

Quit Soking Image
Don’t quit your life but quit smoking and enjoy your life…. Smoking is the worst way to live life.
Warm greetings on No Smoking Day to everyone. When you smoke, you are killing yourself and the future that awaits you.

Stop Smoking Image
If you want to live longer and happier then you can do so by stop smoking and embracing life with healthy heart and healthy lungs.
Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do if you smoking and saying no to smoking is another wise thing to do if you have not yet indulged in this bad habit. Happy No Smoking Day.
Smoking and health cannot go hand in hand….. If you want to be healthy then you can never achieve it with smoking….. Warm wishes on No Smoking Day.
On the occasion of No Smoking Day, I wish you a healthy life free from smoking and cigarettes…. Have a great day!!!
Giving up yourself to an addiction like smoking reflects a weak person….. Be strong to quit smoking…. Wishing a very Happy No Smoking Day.
Life is all about facing the challenges and winning over them….. Best wishes on No Smoking Day to our employees who are strong.
Smoking has ruined many lives and it surely doesn’t deserve any more…. Say No to Smoking…. Happy No Smoking Day to our employees.