Thank You for Birthday Wishes on Facebook
Thank you, all the pretty people, who somehow managed to find time to write a birthday wish on my wall. You people always make Facebook enjoyable for me.
Facebook makes me realize that some people do care for me. Thank you, everyone, for wishing me on my birthday. God bless you all!
I may not know you all in real life, but your sweet words touched me just as much as anyone in real life. Thank you to all my sweet Facebook friends for wishing me!
Thank you all for the birthday wishes and thank you Facebook for reminding them.
Birthday gifts can get broken or lost, but your priceless words will remain close to my heart for eternity. Thanks.
A million thanks to all my Facebook friends for being part of my special day. Your kind words helped make the most important day of my life wonderful. Thanks, I love you all.
I never thought that this many good people will ever have time to make a wish for me. But that’s the beauty of Facebook. Thank you all so much!
The birthday message you posted is going to make me feel special today and throughout the rest of the year. Thank you.
I want to thank everyone who took time out of their day to wish me a happy birthday on Facebook it made me smile every time! Funny how the smallest message or words mean so much!
My official Facebook birthday thank you post: A special thanks to all of you who posted well wishes on my wall for my birthday, I am truly blessed.
Thank you to all Facebook family and friends for all the birthday wishes. They made my birthday extra special.
Just like how a sprinkle of chocolate makes a coffee worth devouring, your heartfelt wishes made my birthday worth celebrating.Thank You.
I feel so humbled and lucky with everything you did to cheer me up on my birthday. Thank you, every beautiful people out there.
I haven’t been on Facebook to say THANK YOU for all the birthday wishes and blessings. I appreciate everyone taking the time to wish me a happy birthday.
Thank you for making my Facebook wall all bright and colorful on my birthday. Your lovely messages really made my birthday all the more special.
Why can’t Facebook have an ‘awesome’ button too? Coz u guys are just awesome. Thanks for making my birthday really special.
Just wanted to convey my sincere thanks to all of you for your lovely birthday wishes! And please just remember that I am sweet 16 with 10 years of experience! lol.
I am feeling blessed with all the Birthday Wishes. Thank you all, I pray for long life and happiness to every one of you and your families.
Each and every wish I received made me feel the happiest person in the world. I can never thank you all enough!
Gifts and parties may have brought a smile to my face but sweet wishes like yours have their own special place. Thank you.
Reading the words you wrote on my Facebook wall brought a smile to my face which is why I believe that, friends like you are my life’s best prize. Thank you for the lovely wishes.
Thanks for your heartfelt Birthday wishes posted on my Facebook wall this year.
I just wanted to take a moment and say “Thank you” to everyone for all of the birthday wishes. It means a lot to me that you all took time from your busy lives, to wish me a Happy Birthday. I feel very blessed to have each and every one of you as my friend.
Knowing that I have friends who appreciate and love me, it’s the best feeling. Thank you to all of my lovely friends who sent their warmest and most thoughtful wishes on my birthday. You guys are wonderful.
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. You people are so special to me. Thanks again for your wonderful wishes and lovely gifts.
I feel blessed. Thank you for all your Birthday wishes..!!
Hey Buddy! It was so nice of you to stop by to wish me a “Happy Birthday”! It made my Birthday just a little bit more special 🙂 Thank you so much.
Special thanks to each and everyone who took the time to wish me a Happy Birthday yesterday! It was a truly wonderful day – perfect in so many ways big and small!
Your beautiful wishes did something that no amount of money can buy..they made me believe in the value of friendship.
Thanks for the Birthday Wishes from everyone who noticed my name today on the upper right corner of your Facebook page. Thank you.